Thursday, September 8, 2011

Today's mirant( MIni Random rANT)

      Ok so my guild on WoW has downed Ragnaros 10m before, now all the sudden we cant? Was it like a lucky thing? We bring the same people all the time and we get the boss once and just like that everyone is retarded to the fight again?  Been doing this fight for going on 3 weeks and wtf parker? Wanting to try Dragon Saga the side scrolling 3d mmorpg by Gravity but it is a bitch to download. My computer isn't all that great but ive put programs and what not to super it up a bit. Oh well it will be done soon enough today... I hope >.>  Btw ill be just doing random rants on here about any game really not just mmorpgs and just rants that are kind of funny to some of you lol.  Power on gamers.

                                         -Zansig-         "Hilarious derailing one liner" Nappa 2011, R.I.P  

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